Fire Prevention Tips

Fires are a common but preventable incident. We’ve talked about how to respond once you’re caught up in a fire emergency, but keeping the next tips in mind will help you prevent a fire from happening in the first place.

  1. Switch off all appliances and electrical outlets when not in use and before leaving your home or the office.
  2. Don’t overload electrical outlets.
  3. Install smoke detectors in your home to alert you to the presence of smoke.
  4. Don’t overcharge your mobile devices such as handphones and tablets.
  5. Never store combustible items/materials near heat sources.
  6. Check regularly for broken wires and exposed wiring. If you find any broken ones, dispose of them appropriately.
  7. Properly extinguish and dispose of cigarette butts.
  8. Keep matches and lighters safely stowed away from children.
  9. Keep a 1-kg dry powder fire extinguisher in your bedroom in case of emergency.
  10. Purchase a smoke escape mask that can keep you protected from toxic smoke for up to 20 minutes.

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